Ну вот и навигационное извещение мореплавателям действующее до конца апреля 2021 года
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The Baltic Sea
NM-090-21 (P)
Denmark. The Baltic Sea. Bornholm SW, S and SW. Gas pipelines to be laid and trenched. Prohibited
areas established.
References NM-039-21 (updated repetition).
Details Until ending April 2021, two gas pipelines are being laid between positions 1) - 4).
1) 54° 46.077'N - 015° 10.590'E
2) 54° 40.989'N - 014° 48.963'E
3) 54° 40.284'N - 014° 33.637'E
4) 54° 37.099'N - 014° 29.154'E Danish/German border
The work is being carried out from the pipelaying vessel »FORTUNA« (UBDP8), assisted by the construction vessels
»BALTIYSKIY ISSLEDOVATEL« (UBAQ4) and »MURMAN« (UBAN4), and other supply vessels which all can be
contacted on VHF kanal 16.
In connection with the laying, a temporary prohibited area with a radius of 1.5nm is established around the pipelaying
vessel »FORTUNA« (UBDP8). A temporary prohibited area with a radius of 500m is established around the
construction vessels »BALTIYSKIY ISSLEDOVATEL« (UBAQ4) and »MURMAN« (UBAN4) when showing signal as
a vessel with restricted ability to manoeuver.
Unauthorized navigation, diving, anchoring, fishing and working on the seabed is prohibited in the areas.
Note The prohibited areas have been established by the DMA in accordance with consolidated Act No. 1629 of 17
December 2018 on safety at sea, Section 6 (i and vii). Contraventions of the prohibition are punishable in accordance
with the same Act, Section 28 (iii).
The gas pipelines are surrounded by a protection zone. The protection zone extends 200m on each side of the
cables pursuant to Danish Maritime Authority Order no. 939 of 27 November 1992 on Protection of Submarine
Cables and Pipelines. Within the protection zone anchoring, dredging, boulder removal, and any use of equipment
being dragged across the seabed is prohibited.
Charts 188.
(DMA 18 December 2020 and Nord Stream 2 7 February 2021. Published 8 February 2021)
Извещение будет передаваться по радио до конца апреля 2021 г т е до планируемой даты окончания работ

Это сообщение редактировалось 09.02.2021 в 11:45